This little fellow seemed to have left the valley for good. But suddenly I saw him again last week The kingfisher is back in the valley.
I am pretty sure that the floods last year prevented them from breeding. I never saw them this spring; but here they are again for summer.
Last week I saw him flying first one way then the other down the river.
Coming back he banked and swerved as he saw me on the bank. Wonderful.
For these photos I chose a spot in the alders on the bank and only had a minute or two to wait before he came along.
Now all I have to do is learn to get him in focus in flight.
I have been trying to catch an enormous dragon fly I saw in the trees the other day; never saw one before. I always thought the little damsels were dragon flies. Now it is enter the dragon time; like a small helicopter; I think they call them emperors.